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Published: Oct, 2016 | Pages:
49 | Publisher: Timetric
Industry: Construction | Report Format: Electronic (PDF)
The report provides a detailed look into the infrastructure sector in Indonesia, including analysis of the state of the current infrastructure, the regulatory and financing landscapes and the major projects in the construction pipeline. The report covers all key infrastructure sectors: roads, railways, electricity and power, water and sewerage, communication, and airports and ports.
Strong growth in infrastructure construction is expected in Indonesia over the next five years; a continuation of the trend seen in the early part of this decade. The total value of the infrastructure construction market reached US$157 billion in 2015, according to the Infrastructure Intelligence Center (IIC), and is expected to grow to US$269 billion by 2020 (in nominal value terms). This growth in spending is based on the assumption that a number of the large-scale infrastructure projects will move ahead as planned, most notably the Indonesia Power Program 35,000MW, the National Capital Integrated Coastal Development, and the Trans-Java and Trans-Sumatra Highways.
A concise analysis of the administrative, economic and political context for infrastructure in Indonesia. An in-depth assessment of the current state of infrastructure in Indonesia, including roads, railways, electricity and power, water and sewerage, communications, airports and ports. A focus on main political and financial institutions involved in the infrastructure market, as well as the competitive and regulatory environment. For each infrastructure sector, an explanation of the key drivers of growth in new investment and an analysis of the project pipeline, with a detailed look at the prospects for major projects and the companies that have secured contracts.
Reasons To Buy
• Assess the current state of Indonesian infrastructure, and the main drivers of investment, including the key institutions and financing methods. • Investigate forecasts and gain an understanding of key trends in each of the main infrastructure sectors. • Analyze the main project participants operating in each sector, to better understand the competitive environment. • Identify top projects by sector, development stage and start date, to inform expansion strategy.
Key Highlights
Timetric is currently tracking 317 large-scale infrastructure construction projects in Indonesia. These projects have a total investment value of US$431 billion. Electricity and Power projects account for over 50% of the overall infrastructure project pipeline with a combined value of USD223 billion. Indonesia's National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) 2015-2019 and the Master Plan for the Acceleration and Expansion of the Economic Development of Indonesia (MP3EI) 2011-2025 set out the majority of Indonesia's infrastructure strategies over the medium- and long-term future. The MP3EI has set aside 45% of its budget for infrastructure. The government is taking measures to encourage private sector participation in projects. While problems persist, particularly around the complexity of Indonesia's regulatory structure, participation is improving, with better coordination between the public and private sectors, and initiatives such as the Indonesia Infrastructure Guarantee Fund contributing to this.
Table of Contents
1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2. CONTEXT 2.1. Administrative Divisions 2.2. Political Scene 2.3. Public Finances and Credit Ratings 2.4. Demographics 2.5. Economic Performance 2.6. Construction Output 3. THE STATE OF INFRASTRUCTURE 3.1. Roads 3.2. Railways 3.3. Electricity and Power 3.4. Water and Sewerage 3.5. Communications 3.6. Airports and Other Infrastructure 4. THE COMPETITIVE AND REGULATORY LANDSCAPE 4.1. Roads 4.2. Railways 4.3. Electricity and Power 4.4. Water and Sewerage 4.5. Communications 4.6. Airports and Other Infrastructure 5. INSTITUTIONS AND FINANCING 6. INFRASTRUCTURE CONSTRUCTION 6.1. All Infrastructure 6.1.1. Construction outlook 6.1.2. Project pipeline analysis 6.2. Roads 6.2.1. Construction outlook 6.2.2. Key participants - contractors 6.2.3. Key participants - consultants 6.2.4. Project pipeline analysis 6.3. Railways 6.3.1. Construction outlook 6.3.2. Key participants - contractors 6.3.3. Key participants - consultants 6.3.4. Project pipeline analysis 6.4. Electricity and Power 6.4.1. Construction outlook 6.4.2. Key participants - contractors 6.4.3. Key participants - consultants 6.4.4. Project pipeline analysis 6.5. Water and Sewerage 6.5.1. Construction outlook 6.6. Communications Infrastructure 6.6.1. Construction outlook 6.7. Airports and Other Infrastructure 6.7.1. Construction outlook 6.7.2. Key participants - contractors 6.7.3. Key participants - consultants 6.7.4. Project pipeline analysis 7. APPENDIX 7.1. Definitions 7.2. Methodology 7.3. Further Information 7.4. Disclaimer
List of Figures
Table 1: Infrastructure Construction in Indonesia: At-a-glance Table 2: Key Economic Indicators Table 3: Key Comparative Indicators Table 4: Top 10 Infrastructure Construction Projects by Value to 2025 Table 5: All Infrastructure Projects Pipeline, by Stage and Funding (US$ million) Table 6: Top 10 Road Construction Projects by Value to 2025 Table 7: Roads Infrastructure Projects, by Stage and Funding (US$ million) Table 8: Top 10 Rail Construction Projects by Value to 2027 Table 9: Railways Construction Projects, by Stage and Funding (US$ million) Table 10: Top 10 Electricity and Power Construction Projects by Value to 2025 Table 11: Electricity and Power Construction Projects, by Stage and Funding (US$ million) Table 12: Top 10 Airports and Other Infrastructure Construction Projects by Value to 2025 Table 13: Airports and Other Infrastructure Construction Projects, by Stage and Funding (US$ million) Table 14: Construction Market Definitions Table 15: Construction Stage Definitions
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