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Published: Apr, 2016 | Pages:
881 | Publisher: WinterGreen Research
Industry: ICT | Report Format: Electronic (PDF)
Worldwide consumer drone markets are poised to achieve significant growth with the use of cameras on stable flying platforms that are used to help implement video and picture taking from the air. Activity visualization from the air lets users share images and videos that are interesting and help build relationships. Camera drones use automated process to make socialization more interesting. Drones provide better, more flexible visualization for sharing on social networks. Smart drone cameras provide the prospect of building social networks that are stronger and have increasingly further outreach. Smart consumer drones connect seamlessly and securely to the Internet, permitting instant upload of videos and images. The camera drones can connect to each other, providing the prospect of filmmaking that comes from stitching together video of a single scene shot from multiple angles. Camera drone technology has reached a level of maturity that has put these systems at the forefront of picture taking modernization. People around the entire world are adapting to drone availability, using aerial cameras to visualize daily activities from up in the air. Use cases are evolving rapidly. Video, specialized video, targeted video, and high quality image systems are offered. Consumer photography drones are enormously popular as flying cameras, lifting cameras so every person who wants it can rise above the earth to look down from above. Photography drones are set to make every industry more productive with better, more flexible visualization. Photography drone uses provide the prospect of trillions of dollars in economic growth. Drones connect seamlessly and securely to the Internet and to each other. Photography drone aerial vehicle (UAV) technology has reached a level of maturity that has permitted DJI to garner $1 billion in revenue in 2015, doubling their revenue in one year. This achievement puts the photography drone systems at the forefront of aerospace manufacturing. Every industry and around the entire world vendors are adapting to drone availability. Use cases are evolving rapidly. Video, photos, specialized video, targeted video, and high resolution images systems are offered. “Photography drones have cameras that lift the user visualization above the earth, creating videos and images that are dramatic and impactful. The devices are smart: They have sensors and software that permits automated response to camera input. Smart drones are evolving the ability to interconnect to smart phones, but drones are smart even without smart phone guidance systems. They have microprocessors that can be used to automate processes. Smart commercial drones connect seamlessly and securely to the Internet and to each other.” Use of drones represents a key milestone in provision of value to every industry. Customized cameras are used to take photos and videos with stunning representations. Digital controls will further automate flying, making ease of use and flight stability a reality. New materials and new designs are bringing that transformation forward. By furthering innovation, continued growth is assured. The worldwide market for camera drones is $2 billion anticipated to reach $21.5 billion by 2022. The complete report provides a comprehensive analysis of drones in different categories, illustrating the diversity of uses for remote flying devices that have high quality cameras on board. Analytics makes the images more cogent. Cameras used from the air are used to anticipate infrastructure problems that only become visible to humans on land days, weeks, or months after the drone images detect issues. Companies Profiled Market Leaders Northrop Grumman AeroVironment Boeing / Insitu General Atomics Lockheed Martin Draganflyer Textron / AAI IAI Market Participants AeroVironment ASN Technologies Aurora Flight Aviation Industry Corp (Avic) BAE Systems Boeing Challis UAV Inc. China Aerospace Denel Dynamics DJI Draganflyer Finmeccanica Flirtey General Atomics General Dynamics Google GoPro Honeywell Integrated Dynamics Israel Aerospace Industries L-3 Communications Laird / Cattron Group International Lockheed Martin Marcus UAV MMist Northrop Grumman Parrot/senseFly Prox Dynamics Proxy Technologies RUAG Aerospace Safran Morpho SAIC Scaled Composites Schiebel Textron TRNDlabs Wing Loong
Table of Contents CAMERA DRONE MARKETS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 34 Photography Consumer Drone Market Driving Forces 34 Drone Challenges 44 Drone Fleet Systems 45 Smart Drone Infrastructure Standards 46 Photography and Videography Smart Commercial Drone Aerial Systems 47 Photography Consumer Drone Market Shares 51 Smart Commercial Drone Market Forecasts and Sector Shares 53 1. CONSUMER PHOTOGRAPHY DRONES: MARKET DESCRIPTION AND MARKET DYNAMICS 55 1.1 Consumer Photography Smart Commercial Drones 55 1.1.1 Smart Drones: Commercial Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Description 55 1.2 Photography Drone Enhanced Capability and Payloads 57 1.2.1 Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Enhanced Resilience 59 1.2.2 Small and Micro-UAS Drones 59 1.2.3 Drone Aerial Systems (UAS) Perimeter Surveillance 59 1.2.4 Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs) Surveillance 60 1.3 Photography Drone Use Cases 61 1.3.1 Drones on the Silver Screen 62 1.3.2 Follow Drones 62 1.3.3 Conducting a Solar Panel Inspection with eBee Drone 63 1.3.4 Quad-copter Drone Crosses the English Channel 63 1.3.5 Dutch Police Training Eagles to Take Down Drones 63 1.3.6 Star Wars Movie Used a Team of Drones to Protect Its Secrets 63 1.3.7 AT&T Uses LTE to Control Drones Over Long Distances 64 1.3.8 Traxxas Flight Link App 64 1.4 Registering Drones 64 1.5 Georeferenced Imagery 64 1.5.1 Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Traffic Monitoring 65 1.5.2 Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) for Scientific Research 67 1.6 Globalization and Technology 68 1.6.1 Proliferation of Camera Drones to Promote Security 68 1.6.2 Drones General Roles 69 2. PHOTOGRAPHY CONSUMER DRONE MARKET SHARES AND FORECASTS 70 2.1 Photography Consumer Drone Market Driving Forces 70 2.1.1 Drone Challenges 80 2.1.2 Drone Fleet Systems 81 2.1.3 Smart Drone Infrastructure Standards 82 2.1.4 Photography and Videography Smart Commercial Drone Aerial Systems 83 2.2 Photography Consumer Drone Market Shares 87 2.2.1 Consumer Drones 91 2.2.2 China’s DJI Leads Drone Markets 92 2.2.3 DJI Revenue Demonstrates Leadership Position 95 2.2.1 DJI Phantom 96 2.2.2 Parrot 97 2.2.3 3D Robotics 97 2.2.4 Parrot AR Drone $299, Flies Off a Roof 99 2.2.5 Ascending Technologies AscTec Firefly 100 2.2.6 Ascending Technologies Professional Line 101 2.2.7 AscTec for Professional Drone Users: 101 2.2.8 Hubsan 102 2.2.9 Intel / Ascending Technologies 102 2.2.10 Draganflyer X4 UAV 102 2.2.11 DRS Unmanned Technologies Ground Control Stations 103 2.2.12 Proxy Aviation Systems 103 2.2.13 Google 103 2.3 Smart Commercial Drone Market Forecasts and Sector Shares 104 2.4 Drone Market Shares and Forecasts 108 2.4.1 Drone Unit Shipments 110 2.4.2 Drone Market Forecasts 110 2.4.3 Drone Industry Components 114 2.5 Photography And Videography Drone Applications 116 2.5.1 Smart Commercial Drone Film / Photo / Video 119 2.5.2 LiDAR 120 2.6 Commercial Drone Aerial Mapping 122 2.6.1 GIS Professionals Are Willing to Pay for Drone Systems 126 2.6.2 GIS Software 127 2.6.3 UAS-Camera Integration 128 2.6.4 Maps of Navigable Drone Highways in The Sky 128 2.6.5 Aerial Mapping Smart Commercial Drone Systems Forecasts 129 2.7 Real Estate Drones 130 2.8 Nano Drones Applications 132 2.8.1 Drone Miniaturization 133 2.9 Follow Me Drones 134 2.9.1 US FAA Commercial Drone Permits 135 2.10 Unmanned Aerial Systems Payloads 141 2.10.1 Composites Key to Utility 141 2.11 Venture Investment in Drones 142 2.11.1 Drones to Create 70,000 US Jobs 145 2.11.2 Drone Crowd Funding 146 2.12 Photography Consumer Drone Prices 147 2.12.1 Parrot AR Drone 2.0 Quadcopter Elite Edition 148 2.12.2 Parrot BeBop Drone Quadcopter with 14 Megapixel Flight Camera (Blue) 149 2.12.3 Parrot AR Drone 2.0 Quadcopter Elite Edition (Sand) 150 2.12.4 Parrot BeBop Drone Quadcopter with Skycontroller Bundle (Red) 151 2.12.5 Parrot BeBop Drone Quadcopter with 14 Megapixel Flight Camera (Red) 151 2.12.6 Parrot BeBop Drone Quadcopter with Skycontroller Bundle (Blue) 152 2.12.7 Parrot BeBop Drone Quadcopter with Skycontroller and Soft Case Bundle (Red) 152 2.12.8 Parrot BeBop Drone Quadcopter with Backpack Bundle (Blue) 153 2.12.9 Parrot BeBop Drone Quadcopter with Backpack Bundle (Red) 153 2.12.10 Parrot BeBop Drone Quadcopter with Hard Case Bundle (Blue) 154 2.12.11 Parrot BeBop Drone Quadcopter with Hard Case Bundle (Red) 154 2.12.12 Parrot BeBop Drone Quadcopter with Wheeled Hard Case Bundle (Blue) 155 2.12.13 Parrot BeBop Drone Quadcopter with Wheeled Hard Case Bundle (Red) 156 2.12.14 Parrot AR Drone 2.0 1500 mAh High Density Battery 156 2.12.15 Parrot LiPo Battery for AR.Drone 2.0 Quadcopter (11.1 V, 1000 mAh) 156 2.12.16 Parrot Battery for BeBop Drone and Skycontroller 157 2.12.17 Parrot Flight Recorder for AR. Drone 2.0 Quadcopter 157 2.12.18 Parrot Camera for BeBop Drone 157 2.12.19 Parrot Propellers for BeBop Drone (4-Pack, Red) 158 2.12.20 Parrot Wall Charger for BeBop Drone and Skycontroller 158 2.12.21 Parrot Skycontroller with Wi-Fi Range Extender for BeBop Drone (Red) 158 2.12.22 Parrot Repair Kit for BeBop Drone (Pair) 159 2.12.23 Parrot Feet Pack for BeBop Drone (4-Pack) 159 2.13 Photography Consumer Drone Regional Market Analysis 162 2.13.1 Smart Drone Commercial (UAV) Industry Regional Summary 165 2.13.2 U.S Accounts for 73 Percent of The Worldwide Research, Development, Test, And Evaluation (RDT&E) Spending On Smart Drone Technology 166 2.13.3 U.S. State Department Drone Export Guidelines 168 2.13.4 Canada 168 2.13.5 Europe 169 2.13.6 UK Trade in Drones 170 2.13.7 Drones for the Netherlands 170 2.13.8 Japan 171 2.13.9 Sony Drone Services 173 2.13.10 Japanese Drone Works Inside the Nuclear Power Plant 175 2.13.11 China 177 2.13.12 Chinese Smog-Fighting Drones That Spray Chemicals To Capture Air Pollution 179 2.13.13 China Desires Exports, Steps Up Research In Military Drones 181 2.13.14 Chinese Commercial Drones 183 2.13.15 Singapore 184 2.13.16 Africa 185 2.13.17 Expansion of US Drone Base in Africa 186 2.13.18 Ethiopia 188 2.13.19 Brazil 188 2.13.20 Morocco 189 2.13.21 India 190 3. PHOTOGRAPHY DRONES PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 191 3.1 DJI 191 3.1.1 DJI Phantom 192 3.1.2 DJI Inspire 1 194 3.1.3 DJI Ronin 195 3.1.4 DJI Ronin Major Updates: 196 3.1.5 DJI Industries Phantom 3 Drone 204 3.1.6 DJI Industries Phantom 3 Drone Live HD View 205 3.1.7 DJI Industries Phantom 3 Drone Complete Control 206 3.1.8 DJI Industries Phantom Intelligent Battery 208 3.1.9 DJI Industries Inspire Drone 210 3.1.10 DJI Industries Ronin-M 212 3.1.11 DJI Industries Spreading Wings S1000+ 215 3.1.12 DJI Industries Zenmuse Z15-A7 217 3.1.13 DJI Flying Platforms 219 3.1.14 DJI Flight Controllers 221 3.1.15 DJI Camera Gimbals 224 3.1.16 DJI HD Video Downlink 228 3.1.17 DJI Ground Stations 228 3.1.18 DJI Guidance 230 3.2 Parrot S.A. 230 3.2.1 Parrot Bebop Drone Stability 231 3.2.2 Parrot AR.Drone $299, Flies Off a Roof 234 3.3 GoPro 236 3.3.1 GoPro Recorded Video Can Be Stitched Together Using Kolor 236 3.4 3D Robotics 237 3.4.1 3D Robotics Launches Line of Mapping Drones 239 3.5 AeroVironment 240 3.5.1 AeroVironement Global Observer 241 3.5.2 AeroVironement RQ-20A Puma AE 245 3.5.3 AeroVironement Wasp AE 247 3.5.4 AeroVironement Shrike VTOL 248 3.5.5 AeroVironement Ground Control System 250 3.5.6 BP and AeroVironment Launch FAA-Approved, Commercial Unmanned Aircraft Operations 251 3.5.7 AeroVironment Integrated LiDAR Sensor Payload 256 3.5.8 AeroVironment and Commercial UAV 258 3.5.9 AeroVironment AV’s Family of Small UAS 260 3.5.10 AeroVironment Raven 261 3.6 Textron Nano Air Vehicle 263 3.7 Draganfly Innovations Inc. 264 3.7.1 Draganfly Draganflyer X4-P 264 3.7.2 Draganfly Handheld Ground Control System 266 3.7.3 Draganflyer Vision Based System (VBS) 266 3.7.4 Draganflyer Guardian 268 3.7.5 Draganfly X4 270 3.7.6 Draganflyer X6 276 3.7.7 Draganflyer Aerial Photography & Video Applications 278 3.7.8 Draganflyer Real Estate Applications 279 3.7.9 Draganflyer Law Enforcement Applications 280 3.7.10 AscTec Compliance 283 3.7.11 Draganflyer X8 284 3.8 TRNDlabs SKEYE Nano Drone 28 3.9 Ascending Technologies 288 3.9.1 Ascending Technologies Professional Line 289 3.9.2 AscTec For Professional Drone Users: 289 3.9.3 Ascending Technologies For Professional UAV 290 3.9.4 AscTec Falcon 8 + InspectionPRO 294 3.9.5 AscTec Falcon 8 + VideoEXPERT 296 3.9.6 AscTec Firefly 296 3.9.7 Technical Data – AscTec Firefly 296 3.10 Hexo+ 298 3.11 Wingsland 299 3.12 EHang 301 3.12.1 Ehang GhostDrone 2.0 301 3.13 Prox Dynamics Black Hornet Nano: 303 3.14 senseFly eBee: 304 3.15 Ballistic UAV Game of Drones 304 3.16 Bluefin Robotics Bluefin 21: 305 3.17 Yuneec 305 4. DRONE TECHNOLOGY AND RESEARCH 306 4.1 Development of Lighter Yet More Powerful Drone Power Sources 306 4.2 Sense and Avoid Technology 309 4.2.1 Learning to Fly a Hobby or Commercial Drone 310 4.2.2 US FAA Launches Drone Safety Campaign 310 4.3 UAS Sense and Avoid Evolution Avionics Approach 312 4.4 Drone Regulation 320 4.4.1 Drone Test Sites Selected by the FAA 323 4.4.2 Drone Exemptions 324 4.4.3 FAA Plans Final Regulation on Commercial Drone Use by Mid-2016 326 4.5 Cloud Computing and Multilayer Security 326 4.6 Draganflyer X4 Flying 328 5. DRONE AND REMOTE CONTROL COMPANY DESCRIPTION 333 5.1 3D Robotics 333 5.1.1 3D Robotics Acquisition of Sifteo 334 5.2 AeroVironment 335 5.2.1 AeroVironment Revenue 2015 335 5.3 Aeryon Labs 339 5.3.1 Aeryon Small Unmanned Aerial Systems (sUAS) 340 5.4 AgEagle 341 5.5 Airogisitic 345 5.6 Airware 346 5.6.1 Airware Components of its Aerial Information Platform 349 5.6.2 Airware’s AIP Business Model 350 5.6.3 Airware Investment from Intel Capital 350 5.7 Amazon 351 5.8 ASN Technologies 352 5.9 Aurora Flight 354 5.9.1 Aurora 2013 Employee Exceptional Service Award 355 5.10 Aviation Industry Corp (AVIC) 355 5.10.1 Aviation Industry Corp / Thielert 356 5.11 BlueSKy 357 5.11.1 Cyberhawk World Leader In Using UAVs To Inspect Industrial Facilities In Oil And Gas 358 5.11.2 Bluesky 359 5.12 Cybaero 360 5.12.1 Cyphy Microfilament Technology 364 5.12.2 CyPhy Works Microfilament 365 5.13 Intel / Cyberhawk Innovations 366 5.13.1 Cyberhawk Innovations ROAV Inspection for The Offshore Oil & Gas Industry 368 5.14 Delair-Tech 370 5.15 Denel Dynamics 372 5.16 Disney 373 5.17 DJI 373 5.17.1 DJI Agricultural Spraying Drone 376 5.17.2 DJI Inspire 1 377 5.17.3 DJI Technology Chinese Crop Spraying Drone 379 5.18 Draganflyer 382 5.18.1 DraganBot 383 5.18.2 Draganflyer ABEX Awards 385 5.19 Drone Innovation Holding Company 386 5.20 EHang 387 5.21 Enertis 390 5.22 Finmeccanica 391 5.22.1 DRS Technologies 392 5.23 Flirtey 394 5.24 FT Sistemas 394 5.25 Google 395 5.25.1 Google Revenue 398 5.25.2 Google Revenues by Segment and Geography 401 5.25.3 Google / Boston Dynamics 401 5.25.4 Boston Dynamics CHEETAH - Fastest Legged Robot 404 5.25.5 Boston Dynamics Atlas - The Agile Anthropomorphic Robot 405 5.25.6 Boston Dynamics BigDog 407 5.25.7 Boston Dynamics LittleDog - The Legged Locomotion Learning Robot 408 5.25.8 Google Robotic Division 410 5.25.9 Google Self-Driving Car 410 5.25.10 Google Cars Address Vast Majority Of Vehicle Accidents Due To Human Error 412 5.25.11 Google Business 413 5.25.12 Google Corporate Highlights 414 5.25.13 Google Search 415 5.26 GoPro 416 5.26.1 GoPro Second Quarter 2015 Highlights 417 5.26.2 GoPro Opular Mount 420 5.26.3 GoPro Revenue Surges 54% As It Gains Popularity Abroad 420 5.26.4 GoPro Acquires Kolor, A Virtual Reality Company 421 5.27 Gryphon 422 5.28 Hobbico 423 5.29 Hubsan 424 5.30 HUVRData, LLC 425 5.31 Intel 428 5.31.1 Intel Company Strategy 430 5.31.2 Intel Realsense Cameras And Ascending Technologies’ Asctec Trinity 432 5.31.3 Intel Capital 433 5.31.4 Intel / Ascending Technologies 434 5.31.5 Ascending Technologies 434 5.31.6 Intel Acquires Ascending Technologies! 435 5.31.7 Ascending Technologies 435 5.31.8 Ascending Technologies AscTec Firefly 437 5.31.9 Drone: Asctec Firefly with Intel Realsense 437 5.31.10 Ascending Technologies and Intel Collaboration to Develop Drone Collision Avoidance Technology438 5.31.11 Ascending Technologies Asctec Firefly / Intel RealSense Camera 439 5.31.12 Intel Realsense Cameras and Ascending Technologies’ Asctec Trinity 440 5.31.13 AscTec Falcon 8 441 5.31.14 Topcon Distribution Partnership with Ascending Technologies 441 5.32 Japan Drones 441 5.33 Parrot/senseFly 443 5.33.1 Parrot Group / senseFly 443 5.33.2 Parrot Group senseFly CTI Certified 444 5.33.3 Parrot Drone First Quarter Sales For 2015 Up 356 Percent 445 5.34 Prox Dynamics 447 5.35 Proxy Technologies 449 5.36 Roketsan 450 5.37 RUAG Aerospace 451 5.38 Secom 454 5.38.1 Japanese Security Company To Offer Private Security Drones 454 5.39 Skycatch 456 5.40 Sky-Futures 456 5.41 TeamUAV 459 5.42 TRNDlabs 460 5.43 XAircraft 460 5.44 Yuneec 463 5.45 Drone Market Participants WorldWide 466 5.45.1 Military Manufacturers 494 5.45.2 Top Drone Products 512 5.45.3 FAA Approved Drone Projects 513
List of Tables and Figures Figure ES-1 35 Parrot S.A. Bebop Commercial Drone 35 Figure ES-2 36 Parrot S.A. Bebop Commercial Drone Controller 36 Table ES-3 37 Smart Commercial Drone Aircraft Benefits 37 Table ES-4 40 Smart Commercial Drone Unmanned Aerial Systems Functions 40 Table ES-5 41 Smart Commercial Drone Aerial Systems Features 41 Table ES-6 42 Drone Unmanned Aerial Systems Mission Tasks 42 Table ES-7 44 Smart Commercial Drone Challenges 44 Figure ES-8 48 Sports Photography – Bringing The Person Into The Action 48 Figure ES-9 49 Drone Game-Changing Application Was Aerial Photography 49 Figure ES-10 52 Photography and Videography Smart Drone Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Shares, Dollars, 2015 52 Figure ES-11 53 Photography and Video Drone Aerial Systems Forecasts, Dollars, Worldwide, 2016-2022 53 Table 1-1 58 Commercial Drones Features that Enable Filming Entertainment Videos 58 1.3 Photography Drone Use Cases 61 Figure 1-2 65 Increase In Resolution That Is Possible With Georeferenced Imagery 65 Table 1-3 66 Department of Transportation Applications 66 Figure 2-1 71 Parrot S.A. Bebop Commercial Drone 71 Figure 2-2 72 Parrot S.A. Bebop Commercial Drone Controller 72 Table 2-3 73 Smart Commercial Drone Aircraft Benefits 73 Table 2-4 76 Smart Commercial Drone Unmanned Aerial Systems Functions 76 Table 2-5 77 Smart Commercial Drone Aerial Systems Features 77 Table 2-6 78 Drone Unmanned Aerial Systems Mission Tasks 78 Table 2-7 80 Smart Commercial Drone Challenges 80 Figure 2-8 83 Sports Photography – Bringing The Person Into The Action 83 Figure 2-9 85 Drone Game-Changing Application Was Aerial Photography 85 Figure 2-10 88 Photography and Videography Smart Drone Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Shares, Dollars, 2015 88 Figure 2-11 89 Photography and Videography Smart Consumer Drone Aerial Systems (UAS) Market Shares, Dollars, Worldwide, 2015 89 Figure 2-12 90 Drone Systems, Low End, Mid Range and High End, Market Shares, Dollars, Worldwide, 2015 90 Figure 2-13 91 Figure 2-14 94 DJI Drone 94 Figure 2-15 99 Airborne Parrot Drone 99 Figure 2-16 100 Ascending Technologies AscTec Firefly Smart Drone 100 Figure 2-17 101 Ascending Technologies Professional Line 101 Figure 2-18 104 Photography and Video Drone Aerial Systems Forecasts, Dollars, Worldwide, 2016-2022 104 Table 2-19 105 Photography Drone Systems, Dollars and Units, Worldwide, 105 2016-2022 105 Table 2-20 106 Small and Mid-Size Photography Drone Systems, Dollars and Units, Worldwide, 2016-2022 106 Table 2-21 108 Drone Systems Market Shares, Units and Dollars, Worldwide, 2015 108 Figure 2-22 111 Drone Aerial Systems Forecasts, Dollars, Worldwide, 2016-2022 111 Figure 2-23 112 Drone Aerial Systems Market Forecasts, Units, Worldwide, 2016-2022 112 Figure 2-24 114 DJI Overcomes Technological Barriers to Drone Manufacture 114 Table 2-25 115 Drone Market Segment Applications 115 Figure 2-26 117 Agriculture, Business, Environmental and Entertainment Use of Drones 117 Figure 2-27 118 Emergency and Real Estate Use of Drones 118 Figure 2-28 118 Security and Media Use of Drones 118 Figure 2-28 122 Commercial Drone Aerial Mapping 122 Table 2-29 123 Smart Drone Aerial Mapping Market Shares Dollars, Worldwide, 2015 123 Figure 2-30 124 Smart Drone Mapping Vehicle 124 Figure 2-31 125 Figure 2-32 126 Table 2-33 128 3D Maps Of Navigable Drone Highways In The Sky 128 Figure 2-34 129 Smart Commercial Drone Aerial Mapping Systems Forecasts, Dollars, Worldwide, 2016-2022 129 Figure 2-35 130 Real Estate Uses Drones For Aerial Perspectives 130 Table 2-36 132 Nano Drones Applications 132 Figure 2-37 136 DJI Share of FAA Drone Operations Exceptions 136 Table 2-38 138 Drone Aerial Systems by Sector, Military, Agriculture, Oil and Gas, Border Patrol, Law Enforcement, Homeland Security, Disaster Response, Package Delivery, Photography, Videography, Dollars, Worldwide, 2016-2022 138 Table 2-39 140 Drone Systems by Application, Military, Law Enforcement, Homeland Security, and Border Patrol, Agricultural, Package Delivery, Consumer Photo Drones, Utility Infrastructure Inspection, and Mapping, Market Shares, Dollars, Worldwide, 2015140 Figure 2-40 146 Top Five VC Funded Drone Ventures 146 Figure 2-41 147 Figure 2-42 148 Parrot Bebop Drone Prices 148 Figure 2-43 149 Parrot AR Drone 2.0 Quadcopter 149 Figure 2-44 150 Parrot BeBop Drone Quadcopter with 14 Megapixel Flight Camera 150 Figure 2-45 164 Drone Aerial Systems (UAS) Regional Market Segments, Dollars, 2015 164 Table 2-46 165 Drone Aerial Systems (UAS) Regional Market Segments, 2015 165 165 Figure 2-47 171 Japanese Hexacopter Smart Commercial Drone 171 Figure 2-48 173 Sony Commercial Drone 173 Figure 2-49 175 Drone Model Envisaged For Work Inside The Reactor Buildings At The Crippled Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant 175 Figure 2-50 182 Figure 2-51 187 Expansion of US Drone Base in Africa 187 Table 3-1 191 DJI Products 191 Figure 3-2 192 DJI Phantom 192 Figure 3-3 193 DJI Phantom Series 193 Figure 3-4 194 DJI Inspire 1 194 Figure 3-5 195 DJI Ronin 195 Table 3-6 196 DJI Ronin Features 196 Figure 3-7 197 DJI Inspire 1 197 Figure 3-8 198 DJI Ronin-M 198 Figure 3-9 199 Spreading Wings S800 EVO 199 Figure 3-10 200 Zenmuse H3-3D 200 Figure 3-11 201 DJI Flame Wheel Landing Gear and Propulsion System 201 Figure 3-12 202 Fine-Tuned Electronic Propulsion Inspire 1 202 Figure 3-13 203 Phantom 3 Professional & Advanced 203 Figure 3-14 204 DJI Industries Phantom 3 Drone 204 Table 3-15 206 DJI Industries Phantom 3 Drone Powerful Mobile App 206 Table 3-6 207 DJI Industries Phantom Functions 207 Table 3-17 209 DJI Industries Phantom SKEYE Nano Drone Open Platform Apps Programming Functions 209 Figure 3-18 210 DJI Industries Inspire Drone 210 Table 3-19 211 DJI Industries Inspire Drone Features 211 Figure 3-20 212 DJI Industries Ronin-M 212 Table 3-21 214 DJI Industries Ronin-M Functions 214 Figure 3-22 215 DJI Industries Spreading Wings S1000+ 215 Table 3-23 216 DJI Industries Spreading Wings S1000+ Features 216 Figure 3-24 217 DJI Industries Zenmuse Z15-A7 217 Table 3-25 218 DJI Industries Zenmuse Z15-A7 Features 218 Figure 3-26 219 DJI Advanced Octocopter Spreading Wings S1000+ 219 Figure 3-27 220 Spreading Wings S1000 220 Figure 3-28 221 DJI Flight Controllers For Multi-Rotors 221 Figure 3-29 222 WooKong-M 222 Figure 3-30 223 Figure 3-48 223 Figure 3-31 224 DJI Handheld Gimbals 224 Figure 3-50 224 Aerial Gimbals 224 Figure 3-32 225 Figure 3-33 226 Zenmuse Z15-A7 226 Figure 3-34 227 Zenmuse Z15-A7 227 Figure 3-35 228 Figure 3-36 228 Figure 3-37 229 Figure 3-38 230 Parrot S.A. Bebop Commercial Drone 230 Table 3-39 231 Parrot S.A. Bebop Commercial Drone 231 Table 3-40 232 Parrot Bebop Drone Stability and Function Sensors 232 Table 3-41 233 Parrot Bebop Drone Sensor Functions 233 Figure 3-42 234 Airborne Parrot Drone 234 Figure 3-43 235 Airborne Parrot AR.Drone 2.0 235 Figure 3-44 237 3D Robotics 237 Figure 3-45 239 Figure 3-46 240 AeroVironment Drone for Surveillance 240 Figure 3-47 241 AeroVironement Global Observer 241 Table 3-48 242 AeroVironement Global Observer Advanced Warning Factors 242 Table 3-49 243 AeroVironement Global Observer® System Applications 243 Table 3-50 244 AeroVironement Global Observer® System Target Markets 244 Figure 3-51 245 AeroVironement RQ-20A Puma AE 245 Figure 3-52 247 AeroVironement Wasp AE 247 Figure 3-53 248 AeroVironement Shrike VTOL 248 Figure 3-54 250 AeroVironement Ground Control System 250 Figure 3-55 252 BP and AeroVironment Drone for Comprehensive GIS Services 252 Table 3-56 255 AeroVironment BP Services 255 Table 3-57 256 AeroVironement BP Inspection of Critical Infrastructure 256 Figure 3-58 258 AeroVironment Commercial UAV 258 Figure 3-59 261 AeroVironment UAS: Raven 261 Figure 3-60 262 AeroVironment Raven 262 Figure 3-61 263 Nano Air Advanced Development Aircraft: 263 Figure 3-62 264 Draganfly Draganflyer X4-P 264 Figure 3-63 266 Draganfly Handheld Ground Control System 266 Table 3-64 267 Draganflyer Vision Based System (VBS) Functions 267 Figure 3-65 268 Draganflyer Guardian 268 Figure 3-66 270 Draganfly X4 270 Figure 3-67 271 Draganflyer Camera 271 Figure 3-68 272 Draganflyer Camera Modules 272 Figure 3-69 273 Draganflyer Camera Operator Module 273 Figure 3-70 274 Draganflyer Hovering 274 Source: Draganflyer. 274 Figure 3-71 275 Draganflyer Quad Rotor Provides Flight Stability 275 Source: Draganflyer. 275 Figure 3-72 276 Draganflyer X6 Remotely Operated, Unmanned, Miniature Helicopter 276 Figure 3-73 277 Draganflyer Compact Foldable Frame 277 Source: Draganflyer. 277 Figure 3-74 279 Draganflyer Camera Real Estate Applications 279 Figure 3-75 280 Draganflyer Camera Law Enforcement Applications 280 Figure 3-76 281 Draganflyer Camera Traffic Applications 281 Figure 3-77 282 Draganflyer Tactical Surveillance 282 Professional Line 283 Figure 3-78 283 Figure 3-79 284 Draganflyer X8 Helicopter 284 Figure 3-80 285 DraganFlyer X8 Helicopter Eight Main Horizontal Rotor Blades 285 Figure 3-81 287 TRNDlabs SKEYE Nano Drone 287 Table 3-82 288 TRNDlabs SKEYE Nano Drone Features 288 Table 3-83 290 AscTec Drone Efficiency: 290 Table 3-84 291 Ascending Technologies. Professional Efficiency Benefits 291 Table 3-85 293 Ascending Technologies. UAV / / Drones 293 Figure 3-86 295 AscTec 360° Aerial Imaging & Panorama Experience 295 Figure 3-87 296 AscTec Firefly 296 3.10 Hexo+ 298 Figure 3-88 298 Hero+ Self Tracking Camera Drone Image 298 Figure 3-89 299 Hero+ Self Tracking Camera Drone 299 3.11 Wingsland 299 Figure 3-90 300 Wingsland Minivet FPV Quadcopter 300 Figure 3-91 302 Ehang GhostDrone 2.0 302 Figure 3-92 303 Ehang GhostDrone 2.0 Smartphone Integration 303 Figure 4-1 306 Drone Lithium Batteries 306 Table 4-2 308 Lithium Ion and Lithium Polymer Battery Energy Densities 308 Figure 4-2 311 Typical Hobby Commercial Drone 311 Table 4-3 312 US FAA Suggestions for Drone Pilot Training 312 Table 4-4 313 Drone Standards 313 Table 4-5 314 Drone Certification Standards 314 Figure 4-6 315 UAS Automatic Surveillance Sense and Avoid Evolution 315 Figure 4-7 316 UAS Airspace Control LD-CAP Conceptual Architecture 316 Table 4-8 317 UAS Automatic Surveillance Sense LD-CAP Experimental Environment 317 Figure 4-9 318 UAS Sense and Avoid: See and Avoid Requirement Aspects 318 Table 4-10 319 UAS Avionics Approach 319 4.4 Drone Regulation 320 Figure 4-11 323 Drone Test Sites Selected by the FAA 323 Figure 4-12 328 Draganflyer Fun 328 Figure 4-13 329 Advanced Flight Entertainment 329 Table 4-14 331 Draganflyer RC Helicopter Aerial Photography and Videography Platform 331 Figure 5.4 AgEagle 341 Figure 5-1 343 AgEagle NIR Camera Proprietary Index Filter 343 Figure 5-2 344 AgEagle Transport Van 344 Airogistic Drones 346 Table 5-3 352 ASnTech Mobile Or Fixed Assets Benefits 352 Table 5-4 353 ASnTech Mobile Or Fixed Assets Target User Markets 353 Table 5-5 354 ASnTech Mobile Or Fixed Assets Users 354 Table 5-6 355 Aurora Flight Core Values: 355 Figure 5-7 361 Cyphy Drone Flyer 361 Table 5-8 363 Cyphy Pocket Flyer Key Benefits 363 Table 5-9 364 Cyphy Pocket Flyer Specifications 364 Figure 5-10 366 Cyphy Spooling Microfilament 366 Figure 5-11 368 Cyberhawk Innovations Offshore Oil & Gas Industry Drone Inspection 368 Table 5-12 370 Delair-Tech’s Features 370 Table 5-13 371 Delair-Tech Customer References 371 5.16 Disney 373 Figure 5-14 375 DJI Phantom 375 Figure 5-15 376 DJI Agricultural Spraying Drone 376 Figure 5-16 378 DJI Inspire 1 378 Figure 5-17 379 DJI Crop Spraying Agricultural Drone 379 Table 5-18 381 DJI Agras Agricultural Drone Features 381 Figure 5-19 382 Draganflyer Design 382 Figure 5-20 384 Draganflyer X6 384 Figure 5-21 388 Ehang GhostDrone 2.0 388 Figure 5-22 389 Ehang GhostDrone 2.0 Smartphone Integration 389 Figure 5-23 390 Enertis International Presence 390 Table 5-24 393 DRS Technologies Defense Technology Leading Market Positions 393 5.24 FT Sistemas 394 Figure 5-25 402 Boston Dynamic LS3 402 Figure 5-26 404 Boston Dynamic CHEETAH 404 Figure 5-27 405 Boston Dynamic Atlas 405 Figure 5-28 407 Boston Dynamic BigDog 407 Figure 5-29 409 Boston Dynamics LittleDog - 409 Table 5-30 411 Google Autonomous Vehicles Technology 411 Figure 5-31 419 GoPro Cameras 419 Figure 5-32 422 Gryphon Distribution Locations 422 Figure 5-33 423 Grypon Drones 423 Table 5-34 426 HUVD Drone Services Industries Targeted 426 Figure 5-35 446 Parrot Consumer Drone 446 Table 5-36 450 Proxy Technologies Deone Potential Uses 450 5.36 Roketsan 450 Figure 5-37 452 RUAG Aerospace Business Aviation 452 Figure 5-38 453 RUAG Aerospace Military Aviation 453 Figure 5-39 454 Japanese Security Company To Offer Private Security Drones 454 Figure 5-40 461 Xaircraft X 461 Figure 5-41 462 Xaircraft X Camera 462 Figure 5-42 464 Yuneec Drone 464 Table 5-43 465 Yuneec Hobby RC Fixed Wing Aircraft 465
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