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Cardiac and Lung Surgical Robots Market Shares, Strategies, and Forecasts, Worldwide, 2015 to 2021

Published: Nov, 2015 | Pages: 223 | Publisher: WinterGreen Research
Industry: Surgical Equipment | Report Format: Electronic (PDF)

Cardiac and lung surgical robot market size was USD 72.2 million in 2014 and is expected to reach USD 2 billion by 2021 as instruments, next generation devices, and systems are set up to do surgery with small incisions in the body instead of big open ones.
Robots are being used for automatic process rebellion in communications and surgery. These automated robotic systems provide crucial improvements in various medical procedures like surgery.

Instinctive Surgical process prevails as foremost participant with majority share of the lung and cardiac surgical robots market. A trained centre group and a set up base of surgeons provide Intuitive Surgical advantage with advanced technology. 

All the surgeons working on robotic lungs and heart surgery worked in hospitals where robotic devices are there. Even the expert surgeons rely on the robotic equipments. The hospitals need to buy the surgical equipments to get business by drawing the surgeons and patients. The cardiac and lung surgical robots market will penetrate 100% in US hospitals over the forecast period. 

The surgeons shift to the hospitals where robotic surgical equipments are available as the patients know this very well that these equipments help in better surgery. Thus if there are no robotic surgical equipments then the hospital won’t have surgeries and eventually no business. Open surgery is hidden behind lung and cardiac robotic surgery.

The categories used in it are mitral valve repair surgery, lobectomy, and thoracic revascularization. For some heart surgery these equipments are criterion of concern in hospitals. All open lung and cardiac surgeries will be driven by the companies with surgical robotic boosting the market.

Broad diversity of procedures has enhanced technology for specialties in cardiac surgeries. The plan is to carry out numerous MIS surgeries of a variety of categories using robots. Vascular and cardiothoracic surgeries are performed by these robots. FDA clears these applications.
 Table of Contents

Heart and Lung Surgical Robot Executive Summary	21
Heart and Lung Surgical Robot Market Driving Forces	21
Surgical Robotics Market Driving Forces	22
Cardiac Surgical Robot Key Procedures As Elements Of Strategy	24
Cardiac and Lung Surgical Robots Market Share Analysis	25
Cardiac and Lung Surgical Robot Market Forecasts	27

1. Cardiac Surgical Robot Market Description and Market	Dynamics		30
1.1  Cardiac Robotic Surgical Clinical Applications	30
1.1.1	Robotic Cardiothoracic Surgery	33
1.1.2  Mitral Valve Repairs Are Preferred Over Mitral Valve Replacement	33
1.1.3	Mitral Valve Repair	34
1.1.4  Mitral Valve Replacement Possible Complications	36
1.2	Interventional Cardiologists Treatments and Procedures	39
1.3	Robotic Internal Thoracic Artery Dissection	40
1.3.1	Robotic Thoracoscopy	41
1.3.2	Cardiothoracic Surgery	42
1.4	Surgical Robotic Lobectomy	42
1.5	Robotic Coronary Artery Bypass	43

2. Heart and Lung Surgical Robot Market Shares and	 Market Forecasts	45
2.1	Heart and Lung Surgical Robot Market Driving Forces	45
2.1.1  Surgical Robotics Market Driving Forces	46
2.1.1  Cardiac Surgical Robot Key Procedures As Elements Of Strategy	49
2.2	Cardiac and Lung Surgical Robots Market Share Analysis	50
2.2.1  Intuitive Surgical da Vinci™ Surgical System Is Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Approved Cardiac and Lung Robotic System	53
2.2.2	Corindus	54
2.2.3	MedRobotics	55
2.3	Cardiac and Lung Surgical Robot Market Forecasts	56
2.4	Cardiac and Lung Surgical Robot Installed Systems and Procedure Volumes by Country	60
2.5	Key Players In The Global Medical Surgical Robots Market	66
2.6	Robotic Surgery Equipment Prices	66
2.1.2  Intuitive Surgical da Vinci Surgical System Prices	67
2.7	Cardiac and Lung Robotic Surgery Equipment Regional Market Segments	68
2.7.1  Intuitive Surgical Regional Revenue	71
2.7.2  Intuitive Surgical European Demand	72
2.7.3  Intuitive Surgical in Japan	72
2.7.4  U.S. Robotic Surgical Procedures	72
2.7.5	BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) countries		73
2.7.6	Aging Taiwanese Population		73
2.7.7	Korea Focusing On Creating A Growth Engine In Research & Development	74		
2.7.8	Korea		74
2.7.9	Brazil		75
2.7.10	Chinese Imported Surgical Robots		75
2.7.11 Chinese Development of Surgical Robots		76
2.8  Chinese Robotic Cardiac Surgery		77
2.8.1	Chinese Robotic Cardiac Team Recognized As One Of World's Best	77

3. Cardiac Surgical Robots Product Descriptions		80
3.1 Intuitive Surgical Cardiothoracic Surgeries		80
3.1.1	Intuitive Surgical da Vinci Surgical System		82
3.1.2	Intuitive Surgical Da Vinci Minimally Invasive Surgical Product		83
3.1.3	Intuitive Surgical Cardiac Surgery		84
3.1.4	Intuitive Surgical da Vinci Surgical System Components		90
3.1.5	Intuitive Surgical Patient-Side Cart and Electromechanical Surgical Arms	94		
3.1.6	Intuitive Surgical 3-D Vision System		94
3.1.7	Intuitive Surgical Firefly Fluorescence Imaging		95
3.1.8	Intuitive Surgical. da Vinci Surgical System EndoWrist® Instruments	96
3.1.9	Intuitive Surgical Instruments and Accessories		98
3.1.10 Intuitive Surgical da Vinci Single-Site		99
3.1.11	Intuitive Surgical EndoWrist One Vessel Sealer		99
3.1.12	Intuitive Surgical da Vinci Skills Simulator		104
3.2  Titan Medical		105
3.3	Johnson & Johnson	109
3.3.1  Johnson & Johnson Ethicon	110
3.4	MedRobotics	112
3.4.1	Medrobotics Flex® Retractor	114
3.4.2  Medrobotics Flexible Robot Platform	115
3.4.3  Medrobotics Snakelike Robots for Oropharynx, Hypopharynx and Larynx Surgery 116	
3.5	Corindus	119
3.5.1	CorPath Robotic Angioplasty	120
3.5.2  Corindus Command. Control CorPath® 200 System	121
3.5.3  Corindus Standard in Precision PCI	123
3.5.4	Robotic Angioplasty / Interventional Cardiology	127
3.6	Changzhou Kangxin Medical Instruments Co., Ltd.	128
3.7	Guangzhou Baitang Medical Instrument Co., Ltd.	128

4. Cardiac Surgical Robots Technology and Research	129
4.1	Intuitive Surgical Da Vinci Computerized Technology For Surgery	129
4.2	Intuitive Surgical da Vinci Xi Surgical System Minimally Invasive Surgery	130
4.2.1  Intuitive Surgical da Vinci Surgical System	131
4.3	Third Party Reimbursement	132

5. Cardiac and Lung Surgical Robots Company Descriptions	135
5.1	Chinese Surgical Robots	135
5.2	Corindus	139
5.2.1  Corindus Benefits of CorPath Robotic-Assisted PCI	142
5.2.2  Corindus Improves Staff Position in the Room	143
5.3	Freehand	144
5.3.1  Freehand 2010 / Prosurgics	145
5.4  Intuitive Surgical	145
5.4.1	Intuitive Surgical Robotics da Vinci® Surgical System	151
5.4.2	Intuitive Surgical Robotics da Vinci Surgical System Xi	152
5.4.3	Intuitive Surgical Business Strategy	154
5.4.4	Intuitive Surgical Systems	157
5.4.5	Intuitive Surgical Patient Value As Equal To Procedure Efficacy / Invasiveness	157	
5.4.6	Intuitive Surgical Business Model	158
5.4.7	Intuitive Surgical Revenue	159
5.4.8	Intuitive Surgical Regulatory Activities	161
5.4.9	Intuitive Surgical Economic Environment.	161
5.5  Johnson and Johnson / DePuy Synthes	161
5.5.1	Google Collaborating With Johnson & Johnson To Develop Surgical Robots	162	
5.5.2	DePuy	162
5.5.3	Johnson & Johnson	163
5.5.4	Johnson & Johnson / Ethicon	163
5.6  Medrobotics	165
5.6.1	Medrobotics Closes On $10 Million Financing	167
5.6.2	Medrobotics Several Generations Of Snake Robot Platforms	168
5.6.3	Medrobotics Advances Clinical Development of Snake Robot for	Surgery	168	
5.6.4	Medrobotics Positioning	168
5.6.5	Medrobotics Cardiac Surgery Gold Standard	169
5.6.6	Medrobotics Snake Robot Technologies For Use In A Wide Range Of Surgical And Interventional Applications		170
5.6.7  Medrobotics Technology & Research Center	173
5.7	Medtronic	173
5.7.1	Medtronic PLC	175
5.7.2  Medtronic O-arm Surgical Imaging System	177
5.8	Meerecompany / Eterne	181
5.9	Titan Medical	182
5.9.2  Titan Medical General Surgery Robot Market Opportunities	188
5.9.3  Titan Medical Robotic Surgery Target Opportunity	189
5.10 TransEnterix Acquires the ALF-X Surgical Robotic System	191
5.10.2	TransEnterix Strategic Positioning	191
5.10.3	TransEnterix	193
5.10.4	TransEnterix / Sofar	193
5.11 Surgical Robot Companies	198
List of Tables and Figures

Table ES-1	26
Innovative Surgical Robot Features	26
Table ES-2	27
Surgical Robotics Market Driving Forces	27
Table ES-3	28
Surgical Robot Market Positioning	28
Table ES-4	30
Cardiac and Lung Surgical Robot Medical Sub-Specialties	30
Figure ES-5	31
Cardiac and Lung Surgical Robots Market Shares, Shipments, Dollars, Worldwide
2014	31	
Figure ES-6	34
Cardiac and Lung Surgical Robot Systems Forecasts, Dollars, Worldwide, 2015-	
2021	34	
Table 1-1	35
Cardiac Conditions Requiring Surgery	35
Table 1-2	36
Intuitive Surgical Robotic Cardiac Procedures	36
Table 1-3	38
Robotic Surgery Surgical Specialty Focus	38
Table 1-4	40
Mitral Valve Problem Description	40
Table 1-5	41
Causes Of Mitral Valve Problems	41
Table 1-6	41
Mitral Valve Replacement Possible Complications	41
Table 1-7	42
Factors That May Increase The Risk Of Complications With Heart Surgery	42
Table 1-8	43
Physician-Patient Mitral Valve Heart Valve Assessment Program Aspects	43
Table 1-9	44
Catheter-Based Valve Disease Procedures	44
Table 1-10	45
Cardiac Surgeon Open Surgical Procedures:	45
Table 2-1	50
Innovative Surgical Robot Features	50
Table 2-2	52
Surgical Robotics Market Driving Forces	52
Table 2-3	53
Surgical Robot Market Positioning	53
Table 2-4	55
Cardiac and Lung Surgical Robot Medical Sub-Specialties	55
Figure 2-5	56
Cardiac and Lung Surgical Robots Market Shares, Shipments, Dollars, Worldwide
2014	56	
Table 2-6	57
Cardiac and Lung Surgical Robot Market Shares, Dollars, Worldwide, 2014	57
Figure 2-7	63
Cardiac and Lung Surgical Robot Systems Forecasts, Dollars, Worldwide, 2015-	
2021	63	
Table 2-8	64
Heart and Lung Surgical Robot Market Segment Forecasts, Dollars and Units,	
Worldwide, 2015-2021	64
Table 2-9	65
Number Intuitive Surgical Cardio/Thoracic Robotic Procedures,	65
Regional Analysis by Procedure Type, 2014	65
Table 2-10	66
Open and Robotic Surgeries:  Cardio Thoracic Procedure Forecasts, Number US
and Worldwide, 2015-2021	66
Table 2-11	67
Cardio Thoracic Robotic Surgery Procedures By Country, 2014	67
Cardio Thoracic Robotic Surgery Procedure Forecasts, Lobectomy, Mitrial Valve
Repair, Vascular Surgery, Number of Procedures, Worldwide, 2015-2021	69
Figure 2-13	74
Cardiac and Lung Surgical Robot Regional Market Segments, Dollars, 2014	74
Figure 2-14	75
Cardiac and Lung Surgical Robot Regional Market Segments, 2014	75
Figure 2-15	82
China Robotic Cardiac Surgery	82
Figure 3-1	86
Intuitive Surgical Integrated Sub – Systems	86
Figure 3-2	87
Intuitive Surgical da Vinci Surgical System	87
Figure 3-3	88
Intuitive Surgical Da Vinci Surgery	88
Table 3-4	89
Intuitive Surgical Da Vinci Surgical System Components	89
Table 3-5	90
Intuitive Surgical Cardiac Conditions Addressed	90
Table 3-6	91
Minimally Invasive Da Vinci Surgery Benefits To Cardiac Patients	91
Figure 3-7	92
Intuitive Surgical da Vinci System State-Of-The-Art Robotic Surgical Platform	92
Table 3-8	92
Intuitive Surgical da Vinci Si Surgical System Core Benefits:	92
Figure 3-9	93
Intuitive Surgical da Vinci SI Surgical System Dual Console Used For Training And
Collaboration	93
Figure 3-10	94
Intuitive Surgical. da Vinci Surgical System Vision System	94
Table 3-11	96
Intuitive Surgical da Vinci Xi Surgical System Surgeon Console Features	96
Figure 3-12	97
Intuitive Surgical. da Vinci Surgical System Surgeon Console	97
Figure 3-13	98
Intuitive Surgical. da Vinci Surgical System Patient-Side Cart	98
Figure 3-14	101
Intuitive Surgical. da Vinci Surgical System EndoWrist® Instruments	101
Table 3-15	102
Intuitive Surgical da Vinci Surgical System Features	102
Table 3-16	105
Advantages of Intuitive Surgical Cardio Thoracic Robotic Surgery	105
Table 3-17	107
Surgical Robot Cardiothoracic Conditions Treated	107
Figure 3-18	107
Intuitive Surgical da Vinci Surgical System, Surgeon Operates Seated Comfortably
At A Console	107
Figure 3-19	108
Intuitive Surgical da Vinci Surgical System Patient Side Cart	108
Figure 3-20	110
Titan Single Port Orifice Robotic Technology SPORT™ Surgical System	110
Figure 3-21	111
Titan SPORT™ Surgical System:	111
Table 3-22	113
Titan MedicalSPORT™ Surgical System Patient Benefits:	113
Table 3-23	114
Titan MedicalSPORT™ Surgical System Surgeon Benefits:	114
Table 3-24	116
Johnson & Johnson Ethicon Minimally Invasive Procedures As They Apply To	
Specific Conditions	116
Figure 3-25	119
Medrobotics Flex® Retractor	119
Figure 3-26	122
Medrobotics Snakelike Robot Tested for Heart Surgery	122
Table 3-27	123
Medrobotics Medical Field Target Markets	123
Figure 3-28	125
Corindus CorPath Robotic Angioplasty	125
Figure 3-29	127
Corindus Command. Control CorPath® 200 System	127
Figure 3-30	128
Corindus Precise Robotic Movement And Device Fixation	128
Table 3-31	129
Corindus Robotic-Assisted Control Benefits	129
Figure 3-32	130
Occupational Hazards in Cath Lab	130
Figure 3-33	131
Corindus Robotic Assisted PCI	131
Figure 4-1	136
Intuitive Surgical da Vinci Surgical System	136
Figure 5-1	141
Tianjin Municipality Micro Hand A Chinese Surgical Robots	141
Figure 5-2	143
China's First Surgical Robot For Minimally Invasive Surgery At Tianjin		
Municipality		143
Table 5-3		145
Benefits of Corindus CorPath Robotic-Assisted PCI	145
Figure 5-4		146
Corindus CorPath Benefits		146
Table 5-5		147
Corindus Benefits of CorPath Robotic-Assisted PCI	147
Figure 5-6		148
Corindus Step Away From Radiation Source During Robotic PCI	148
Table 5-7		149
Corindus CorPath Robotic-Assisted PCI Mean Radiation Dose (per procedure) By
Position (μSV)2		149
Figure 5-8		157
Intuitive Surgical Platform, daVinci Xi		157
Table 5-9		160
Intuitive Surgical Strategy To Improve Candidate Surgical Procedures	160
Table 5-10		166
Johnson and Johnson Family of Companies Comprises:	166
Table 5-11		170
Medrobotics Positioning 2015		170
Table 5-12		175
Medrobotics Cardiac Surgery Improvements	175
Table 5-12		176
Medrobotics Snake Robot Technologies For Use In A Wide Range Of Surgical And
Interventional Applications		176
Table 5-13		177
Medrobotics Snake Robot Technologies Specialist Areas Served	177
Table 5-14	180
Medtronic O-arm® Surgical Imaging StealthStation® Navigation Functions	180
Table 5-15	181
Medtronic O-arm Surgical Imaging System Benefits	181
Table 5-16	183
Medtronic O-arm Surgical Imaging System	183
Table 5-17	184
Medtronic O-arm Surgical Imaging System Benefits	184
Figure 5-18	185
Medtronic Lumbar Imaging	185
Table 5-19	188
Titan Medical Investment Summary	188
Figure 5-20	189
Titan Medical Business Goals and Timetable	189
Figure 5-21	193
Titan Medical Describes Robotic General Surgery Market Potential	193
Figure 5-22	195
Titan Medical Robotic Surgery Target Opportunity	195
Table 5-23	197
TransEnterix Strategic Positioning	197
Figure 5-24	199
TELELAP Robotic Surgical Unit	199
Figure 5-25	201
Telelap ALF-X Robotic Surgery	201
Figure 5-26	202
TELELAP ALF-X Breaking Barriers Supporting Precision	202 


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