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Published: Feb, 2016 | Pages:
16 | Publisher: Market Intelligence & Consulting Institute
Industry: ICT | Report Format: Electronic (PDF)
Smart cities have grown vigorously in China because of the government's policy support and their potential to alleviate pressing problems encountered by China along the way of rapid economic and urban development, including declining labor force, ongoing urbanization, and overuse of natural resources. With the completion of infrastructure and platforms in 2016, big data that span across different devices and industries will provide a great opportunity for Chinese smart cities. This report provides an overview of the recent development of China's smart cities and analyses the focal areas of their big data applications. List of Topics Overview of China's smart city projects and their benefits to mitigate the problems stemming from the rapid economic development, including demographic debt, surge in urban population, and exploitation of natural resources Major big data applications that are incorporated in China's smart city development, including the 2014-2015 market volume of dig data applications in major smart city sectors List of Companies CCID Frost & Sullivan McKinsey & Company MOHURD MOST UNFPA World Bank WH
Table of Contents 1. Smart Cities Mitigate Urban Development Problems3 1.1 Demographic Debt3 1.2 Still Room for Improvement in Urbanization4 1.3 Exploitation of Natural Resources5 2. Smart City Development in Tandem with Big Data7 2.1 Smart Transportation Applications to Have the Highest Market Volume9 2.2 Smart Medical Care Built on Underlying Database11 2.3 HD Surveillance Video Quality to Boost Big Data Applications12 Conclusion14 Policy Support and Urban Development Continue to Drive Chinese Smart City Development14 Smart Cities to Adopt Big Data Applications in Diverse Fields with Different Progress15 Appendix17 Glossary of Terms17 List of Companies18
List of Tables Table 1: Ranking of Reduction in Rural Population by 20504 Table 2: China's Carbon Emission and Economic Growth6 Table 3: Development Highlights of Smart Cities for Major Chinese Cities6 Table 4: Smart Cities to Develop Together with Big Data7 Table 5: Guideline to Promote the Development of Big Data8 Table 6: Market Volume of Big Data Applications in Smart City Sectors9 Table 7: Focal Areas of Smart Medical Care Services12"
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