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China Chromium Industry 2015 Market Research Report

Published: Jun, 2015 | Pages: 164 | Publisher: QYResearch
Industry: Chemicals | Report Format: Electronic (PDF)

The China Chromium Industry Report 2015 is a professional and in-depth study on the current state of the Chromium industry.

The report provides a basic overview of the industry including definitions, classifications, applications and industry chain structure. The Chromium market analysis is provided for the China markets including development trends, competitive landscape analysis, and key regions development status.

Development policies and plans are discussed as well as manufacturing processes and Bill of Materials cost structures are also analyzed. This report also states import/export consumption, supply and demand Figures, cost, price, revenue and gross margins.

The report focuses on China major leading industry players providing information such as company profiles, product picture and specification, capacity, production, price, cost, revenue and contact information. Upstream raw materials and equipment and downstream demand analysis is also carried out. The Chromium industry development trends and marketing channels are analyzed. Finally the feasibility of new investment projects are assessed and overall research conclusions offered.

With 170 tables and figures the report provides key statistics on the state of the industry and is a valuable source of guidance and direction for companies and individuals interested in the market.
 Table of Contents
Chapter One Industry Overview 1.1 Definition and Specifications of Chromium 1.2 Classification of Chromium 1.3 Applications of Chromium 1.4 Industry Chain Structure of Chromium 1.5 Industry Overview of Chromium 1.6 Industry Policy Analysis of Chromium 1.7 Industry News Analysis of Chromium Chapter Two Manufacturing Cost Structure Analysis of Chromium 2.1 Bill of Materials (BOM) of Chromium 2.2 BOM Price Analysis of Chromium 2.3 Labor Cost Analysis of Chromium 2.4 Depreciation Cost Analysis of Chromium 2.5 Manufacturing Cost Structure Analysis of Chromium 2.6 Manufacturing Process Analysis of Chromium Chapter Three Technical Data and Manufacturing Plants Analysis 3.1 Capacity and Commercial Production Date of China Key Manufacturers in 2014 3.2 Manufacturing Plants Distribution of China Key Chromium Manufacturers in 2014 3.3 R&D Status and Technology Source of China Chromium Key Manufacturers in 2014 3.4 Raw Materials Sources Analysis of China Chromium Key Manufacturers in 2014 Chapter Four Production Analysis of Chromium by Regions, Technology, and Applications 4.1 China Production of Chromium by Regions (Key Provinces) 2010-2015 4.2 China Production of Chromium by Product Types 2010-2015 4.3 China Sales of Chromium by Applications 2010-2015 4.4 Price Analysis of China Chromium Key Manufacturers in 2015 4.5 China Capacity, Production, Price, Cost and Revenue of Chromium 2010-2015 4.6 China Supply, Import, Export and Consumption of Chromium 2010-2015 Chapter Five Sales and Revenue Analysis of Chromium by Regions 5.1 China Sales of Chromium by Regions 2010-2015 5.2 China Revenue of Chromium by Regions 2010-2015 5.3 China Price Analysis of Chromium Sales by Regions 2010-2015 5.4 China Price, Cost and Gross of Chromium 2010-2015 Chapter Six Analysis of Chromium Production, Supply, Sales and Market Status 2010-2015 6.1 Capacity Production Sales Revenue of Chromium 2010-2015 6.2 Production Sales Market Share Analysis of Chromium 2014-2015 6.3 Import, Export and Consumption of Chromium 2010-2015 6.4 Supply, Consumption and Shortage of Chromium 2010-2015 6.5 Import, Export and Consumption of Chromium 2010-2015 6.6 Cost, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin of Chromium 2010-2015 Chapter Seven Analysis of Chromium Industry Key Manufacturers 7.1 Kermas 7.1.1 Company Profile 7.1.2 Product Picture and Specifications 7.1.3 Capacity, Production, Price, Cost, Gross, and Revenue 7.1.4 Kermas SWOT Analysis 7.2 Glencore 7.2.1 Company Profile 7.2.2 Product Picture and Specifications 7.2.3 Capacity, Production, Price, Cost, Gross, and Revenue 7.2.4 Glencore SWOT Analysis 7.3 Zimasco 7.3.1 Company Profile 7.3.2 Product Picture and Specifications 7.3.3 Capacity, Production, Price, Cost, Gross, and Revenue 7.3.4 Zimasco SWOT Analysis 7.4 ENRC 7.4.1 Company Profile 7.4.2 Product Picture and Specifications 7.4.3 Capacity, Production, Price, Cost, Gross, and Revenue 7.4.4 ENRC SWOT Analysis 7.5 Samancor 7.5.1 Company Profile 7.5.2 Product Picture and Specifications 7.5.3 Capacity, Production, Price, Cost, Gross, and Revenue 7.5.4 Samancor SWOT Analysis 7.6 Assmang 7.6.1 Company Profile 7.6.2 Product Picture and Specifications 7.6.3 Capacity, Production, Price, Cost, Gross, and Revenue 7.6.4 Assmang SWOT Analysis 7.7 Hernic Ferrochrome 7.7.1 Company Profile 7.7.2 Product Picture and Specifications 7.7.3 Capacity, Production, Price, Cost, Gross, and Revenue 7.7.4 Hernic Ferrochrome SWOT Analysis 7.8 OMC 7.8.1 Company Profile 7.8.2 Product Picture and Specifications 7.8.3 Capacity, Production, Price, Cost, Gross, and Revenue 7.8.4 OMC SWOT Analysis 7.9 African Chrome Fields 7.9.1 Company Profile 7.9.2 Product Picture and Specifications 7.9.3 Capacity, Production, Price, Cost, Gross, and Revenue 7.9.4 African Chrome Fields SWOT Analysis 7.10 Tata 7.10.1 Company Profile 7.10.2 Product Picture and Specifications 7.10.3 Capacity, Production, Price, Cost, Gross, and Revenue 7.10.4 Tata SWOT Analysis 7.11 CVK Mineral 7.11.1 Company Profile 7.11.2 Product Picture and Specifications 7.11.3 Capacity, Production, Price, Cost, Gross, and Revenue 7.11.4 CVK Mineral SWOT Analysis 7.12 IFM 7.12.1 Company Profile 7.12.2 Product Picture and Specifications 7.12.3 Capacity, Production, Price, Cost, Gross, and Revenue 7.12.4 IFM SWOT Analysis 7.13 Al Tamman 7.13.1 Company Profile 7.13.2 Product Picture and Specifications 7.13.3 Capacity, Production, Price, Cost, Gross, and Revenue 7.13.4 Al Tamman SWOT Analysis 7.14 Gulf Mining Group 7.14.1 Company Profile 7.14.2 Product Picture and Specifications 7.14.3 Capacity, Production, Price, Cost, Gross, and Revenue 7.14.4 Gulf Mining Group SWOT Analysis 7.15 AlbCHROME 7.15.1 Company Profile 7.15.2 Product Picture and Specifications 7.15.3 Capacity, Production, Price, Cost, Gross, and Revenue 7.15.4 AlbCHROME SWOT Analysis 7.16 Sinosteel 7.16.1 Company Profile 7.16.2 Product Picture and Specifications 7.16.3 Capacity, Production, Price, Cost, Gross, and Revenue 7.16.4 Sinosteel SWOT Analysis Chapter Eight Price and Gross Margin Analysis 8.1 Analysis of Price 8.2 Gross Margin Analysis 8.3 Price Comparison by Regions 8.4 Price Analysis of Different Chromium Product Types 8.5 Market Share Analysis of Different Chromium Price Levels 8.6 Gross Margin Analysis of Different Chromium Applications Chapter Nine Marketing Trader or Distributor Analysis of Chromium 9.1 Marketing Channels Status of Chromium 9.2 Traders or Distributors of Chromium with Contact Information 9.3 Ex-work Price, Channel Price and End Buyer Price Analysis of Chromium 9.4 China Import, Export and Trade Analysis of Chromium Chapter Ten Development Trend of Chromium Industry 2015-2020 10.1 Capacity and Production Overview of Chromium 2015-2020 10.2 Production Market Share by Product Types of Chromium 2015-2020 10.3 Sales and Sales Revenue Overview of Chromium 2015-2020 10.4 China Sales of Chromium by Applications 2015-2020 10.5 Import, Export and Consumption of Chromium 2015-2020 10.6 Cost, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin of Chromium 2015-2020 Chapter Eleven Industry Chain Suppliers of Chromium with Contact Information 11.1 Major Raw Materials Suppliers of Chromium with Contact Information 11.2 Manufacturing Equipment Suppliers of Chromium with Contact Information 11.3 Major Players of Chromium with Contact Information 11.4 Key Consumers of Chromium with Contact Information 11.5 Supply Chain Relationship Analysis of Chromium Chapter Twelve New Project Investment Feasibility Analysis of Chromium 12.1 New Project SWOT Analysis of Chromium 12.2 New Project Investment Feasibility Analysis of Chromium Chapter Thirteen Conclusion of the China Chromium Industry Report 2015
Tables and Figures
Figure Picture of Chromium Table Product Specifications of Chromium Table Classification of Chromium Figure China Sales Market Share of Chromium by Product Types in 2014 Table Applications of Chromium Figure China Sales Market Share of Chromium by Applications in 2014 Figure Industry Chain Structure of Chromium Table China Industry Overview of Chromium Table Industry Policy of Chromium Table Industry News List of Chromium Table Bill of Materials (BOM) of Chromium Table Bill of Materials (BOM) Price of Chromium Table Labor Cost of Chromium Table Depreciation Cost of Chromium Table Manufacturing Cost Structure Analysis of Chromium in 2014 Figure Manufacturing Process Analysis of Chromium Table Capacity (K MT) and Commercial Production Date of China Chromium Key Manufacturers in 2014 Table Manufacturing Plants Distribution of China Key Chromium Manufacturers in 2014 Table R&D Status and Technology Source of China Chromium Key Manufacturers in 2014 Table Raw Materials Sources Analysis of China and China Chromium Key Manufacturers in 2014 Table China Production of Chromium by Regions 2010-2015 (K MT) Table China Production Market Share of Chromium by Regions 2010-2015 (%) Figure China Production Market Share of Chromium by Regions in 2014 Figure China Production Market Share of Chromium by Regions in 2015 Table China Production of Chromium by Product Types in 2010-2015 (K MT) Table China Production Market Share of Chromium by Product Types in 2010-2015 (%) Figure China Production Market Share of Chromium by Technology in 2014 Figure China Production Market Share of Chromium by Technology in 2015 Figure China Sales of Chromium by Applications 2010-2015 (K MT) Table China Production Market Share of Chromium by Applications 2010-2015 (%) Figure China Production Market Share of Chromium by Applications in 2014 Figure China Production Market Share of Chromium by Applications in 2015 Table Price Comparison of China Chromium Key Manufacturers in 2015 (USD/MT) Table China Capacity (K MT), Production (K MT), Price (USD/MT), Cost (USD/MT) and Revenue (Million USD) of Chromium 2010-2015 Table China Supply, Import, Export and Consumption of Chromium 2010-2015 (K MT) Table China Sales of Chromium by Regions 2010-2015 (K MT) Table China Sales Market Share of Chromium by Regions 2010-2015 (%) Figure China Sales of Chromium by Regions (Beijing, Guangdong, Shanghai, etc.) in 2014 (K MT) Figure China Sales of Chromium by Regions (Beijing, Guangdong, Shanghai, etc.) in 2015 (K MT) Table China Revenue of Chromium by Regions 2010-2015 (Million USD) Table China Revenue of Chromium by Regions 2010-2015 (%) Figure China Revenue of Chromium by Regions in 2014 (%) Figure China Revenue of Chromium by Regions in 2015 (%) Table Sales Price of Chromium by Regions 2010-2015 (USD/MT) Table China Price Analysis of Chromium 2010-2015 (USD/MT) Table China Cost Analysis of Chromium 2010-2015 (USD/MT) Table China Gross Analysis of Chromium 2010-2015 Table China and Major Manufacturers Capacity of Chromium 2010-2015 (K MT) Table China Capacity Market Share of Major Chromium Manufacturers 2010-2015 (%) Table China and Major Manufacturers Production of Chromium 2010-2015 (K MT) Table China Production Market Share of Major Chromium Manufacturers 2010-2015 (%) Table China and Major Manufacturers Sales of Chromium 2010-2015 (K MT) Table China Sales Market Share of Major Chromium Manufacturers 2010-2015 (%) Table China and Major Manufacturers Sales Revenue of Chromium 2010-2015 (Million USD) Table China Sales Revenue Market Share of Major Chromium Manufacturers 2010-2015 (%) Figure China Capacity (K MT), Production (K MT) and Growth Rate of Chromium 2010-2015 Figure China Capacity Utilization Rate of Chromium 2010-2015 Figure China Sales Revenue (Million USD) and Growth Rate of Chromium 2010-2015 Figure China Production Market Share of Major Chromium Manufacturers in 2014 Figure China Production Market Share of Major Chromium Manufacturers in 2015 Figure China Sales Market Share of Major Chromium Manufacturers in 2014 Figure China Sales Market Share of Major Chromium Manufacturers in 2015 Table China Import, Export and Consumption of Chromium 2010-2015 (K MT) Table China and Major Manufacturers Local Sales Export Import of Chromium 2010-2015 (K MT) Table China Supply, Consumption and Shortage of Chromium 2010-2015 (K MT) Table China Import, Export and Consumption of Chromium 2010-2015 (K MT) Table Price of China Chromium Major Manufacturers 2010-2015 (USD/MT) Table Gross Margin of China Chromium Major Manufacturers 2010-2015 Table China and Major Manufacturers Revenue of Chromium 2010-2015 (Million USD) Table China Production (K MT), Price (USD/MT), Cost (USD/MT), Revenue (Million USD) and Gross Margin of Chromium 2010-2015 Table Kermas Company Profile (Contact Information Plant Location Capacity Revenue etc) Figure Chromium Picture and Specifications of Kermas Table Chromium Capacity (K MT), Production (K MT), Price (USD/MT), Cost (USD/MT), Gross (USD/MT), Revenue (Million USD) and Gross Margin of Kermas 2010-2015 Figure Chromium Capacity (K MT), Production (K MT) and Growth Rate of Kermas 2010-2015 Figure Chromium Production (K MT) and China Market Share of Kermas 2010-2015 Table Kermas Chromium SWOT Analysis Table Glencore Company Profile (Contact Information Plant Location Capacity Revenue etc) Figure Chromium Picture and Specifications of Glencore Table Chromium Capacity (K MT), Production (K MT), Price (USD/MT), Cost (USD/MT), Gross (USD/MT), Revenue (Million USD) and Gross Margin of Glencore 2010-2015 Figure Chromium Capacity (K MT), Production (K MT) and Growth Rate of Glencore 2010-2015 Figure Chromium Production (K MT) and China Market Share of Glencore 2010-2015 Table Glencore Chromium SWOT Analysis Table Zimasco Company Profile (Contact Information Plant Location Capacity Revenue etc) Figure Chromium Picture and Specifications of Zimasco Table Chromium Capacity (K MT), Production (K MT), Price (USD/MT), Cost (USD/MT), Gross (USD/MT), Revenue (Million USD) and Gross Margin of Zimasco 2010-2015 Figure Chromium Capacity (K MT), Production (K MT) and Growth Rate of Zimasco 2010-2015 Figure Chromium Production (K MT) and China Market Share of Zimasco 2010-2015 Table Zimasco Chromium SWOT Analysis Table ENRC Company Profile (Contact Information Plant Location Capacity Revenue etc) Figure Chromium Picture and Specifications of ENRC Table Chromium Capacity (K MT), Production (K MT), Price (USD/MT), Cost (USD/MT), Gross (USD/MT), Revenue (Million USD) and Gross Margin of ENRC 2010-2015 Figure Chromium Capacity (K MT), Production (K MT) and Growth Rate of ENRC 2010-2015 Figure Chromium Production (K MT) and China Market Share of ENRC 2010-2015 Table ENRC Chromium SWOT Analysis Table Samancor Company Profile (Contact Information Plant Location Capacity Revenue etc) Figure Chromium Picture and Specifications of Samancor Table Chromium Capacity (K MT), Production (K MT), Price (USD/MT), Cost (USD/MT), Gross (USD/MT), Revenue (Million USD) and Gross Margin of Samancor 2010-2015 Figure Chromium Capacity (K MT), Production (K MT) and Growth Rate of Samancor 2010-2015 Figure Chromium Production (K MT) and China Market Share of Samancor 2010-2015 Table Samancor Chromium SWOT Analysis Table Assmang Company Profile (Contact Information Plant Location Capacity Revenue etc) Figure Chromium Picture and Specifications of Assmang Table Chromium Capacity (K MT), Production (K MT), Price (USD/MT), Cost (USD/MT), Gross (USD/MT), Revenue (Million USD) and Gross Margin of Assmang 2010-2015 Figure Chromium Capacity (K MT), Production (K MT) and Growth Rate of Assmang 2010-2015 Figure Chromium Production (K MT) and China Market Share of Assmang 2010-2015 Table Assmang Chromium SWOT Analysis Table Hernic Ferrochrome Company Profile (Contact Information Plant Location Capacity Revenue etc) Figure Chromium Picture and Specifications of Hernic Ferrochrome Table Chromium Capacity (K MT), Production (K MT), Price (USD/MT), Cost (USD/MT), Gross (USD/MT), Revenue (Million USD) and Gross Margin of Hernic Ferrochrome 2010-2015 Figure Chromium Capacity (K MT), Production (K MT) and Growth Rate of Hernic Ferrochrome 2010-2015 Figure Chromium Production (K MT) and China Market Share of Hernic Ferrochrome 2010-2015 Table Hernic Ferrochrome Chromium SWOT Analysis Table OMC Company Profile (Contact Information Plant Location Capacity Revenue etc) Figure Chromium Picture and Specifications of OMC Table Chromium Capacity (K MT), Production (K MT), Price (USD/MT), Cost (USD/MT), Gross (USD/MT), Revenue (Million USD) and Gross Margin of OMC 2010-2015 Figure Chromium Capacity (K MT), Production (K MT) and Growth Rate of OMC 2010-2015 Figure Chromium Production (K MT) and China Market Share of OMC 2010-2015 Table OMC Chromium SWOT Analysis Table African Chrome Fields Company Profile (Contact Information Plant Location Capacity Revenue etc) Figure Chromium Picture and Specifications of African Chrome Fields Table Chromium Capacity (K MT), Production (K MT), Price (USD/MT), Cost (USD/MT), Gross (USD/MT), Revenue (Million USD) and Gross Margin of African Chrome Fields 2010-2015 Figure Chromium Capacity (K MT), Production (K MT) and Growth Rate of African Chrome Fields 2010-2015 Figure Chromium Production (K MT) and China Market Share of African Chrome Fields 2010-2015 Table African Chrome Fields Chromium SWOT Analysis Table Tata Company Profile (Contact Information Plant Location Capacity Revenue etc) Figure Chromium Picture and Specifications of Tata Table Chromium Capacity (K MT), Production (K MT), Price (USD/MT), Cost (USD/MT), Gross (USD/MT), Revenue (Million USD) and Gross Margin of Tata 2010-2015 Figure Chromium Capacity (K MT), Production (K MT) and Growth Rate of Tata 2010-2015 Figure Chromium Production (K MT) and China Market Share of Tata 2010-2015 Table Tata Chromium SWOT Analysis Table CVK Mineral Company Profile (Contact Information Plant Location Capacity Revenue etc) Figure Chromium Picture and Specifications of CVK Mineral Table Chromium Capacity (K MT), Production (K MT), Price (USD/MT), Cost (USD/MT), Gross (USD/MT), Revenue (Million USD) and Gross Margin of CVK Mineral 2010-2015 Figure Chromium Capacity (K MT), Production (K MT) and Growth Rate of CVK Mineral 2010-2015 Figure Chromium Production (K MT) and China Market Share of CVK Mineral 2010-2015 Table CVK Mineral Chromium SWOT Analysis Table IFM Company Profile (Contact Information Plant Location Capacity Revenue etc) Figure Chromium Picture and Specifications of IFM Table Chromium Capacity (K MT), Production (K MT), Price (USD/MT), Cost (USD/MT), Gross (USD/MT), Revenue (Million USD) and Gross Margin of IFM 2010-2015 Figure Chromium Capacity (K MT), Production (K MT) and Growth Rate of IFM 2010-2015 Figure Chromium Production (K MT) and China Market Share of IFM 2010-2015 Table IFM Chromium SWOT Analysis Table Al Tamman Company Profile (Contact Information Plant Location Capacity Revenue etc) Figure Chromium Picture and Specifications of Al Tamman Table Chromium Capacity (K MT), Production (K MT), Price (USD/MT), Cost (USD/MT), Gross (USD/MT), Revenue (Million USD) and Gross Margin of Al Tamman 2010-2015 Figure Chromium Capacity (K MT), Production (K MT) and Growth Rate of Al Tamman 2010-2015 Figure Chromium Production (K MT) and China Market Share of Al Tamman 2010-2015 Table Al Tamman Chromium SWOT Analysis Table Gulf Mining Group Company Profile (Contact Information Plant Location Capacity Revenue etc) Figure Chromium Picture and Specifications of Gulf Mining Group Table Chromium Capacity (K MT), Production (K MT), Price (USD/MT), Cost (USD/MT), Gross (USD/MT), Revenue (Million USD) and Gross Margin of Gulf Mining Group 2010-2015 Figure Chromium Capacity (K MT), Production (K MT) and Growth Rate of Gulf Mining Group 2010-2015 Figure Chromium Production (K MT) and China Market Share of Gulf Mining Group 2010-2015 Table Gulf Mining Group Chromium SWOT Analysis Table AlbCHROME Company Profile (Contact Information Plant Location Capacity Revenue etc) Figure Chromium Picture and Specifications of AlbCHROME Table Chromium Capacity (K MT), Production (K MT), Price (USD/MT), Cost (USD/MT), Gross (USD/MT), Revenue (Million USD) and Gross Margin of AlbCHROME 2010-2015 Figure Chromium Capacity (K MT), Production (K MT) and Growth Rate of AlbCHROME 2010-2015 Figure Chromium Production (K MT) and China Market Share of AlbCHROME 2010-2015 Table AlbCHROME Chromium SWOT Analysis Table Sinosteel Company Profile (Contact Information Plant Location Capacity Revenue etc) Figure Chromium Picture and Specifications of Sinosteel Table Chromium Capacity (K MT), Production (K MT), Price (USD/MT), Cost (USD/MT), Gross (USD/MT), Revenue (Million USD) and Gross Margin of Sinosteel 2010-2015 Figure Chromium Capacity (K MT), Production (K MT) and Growth Rate of Sinosteel 2010-2015 Figure Chromium Production (K MT) and China Market Share of Sinosteel 2010-2015 Table Sinosteel Chromium SWOT Analysis Table Chromium Price by Regions 2010-2015 Table Chromium Price by Product Types 2010-2015 Table Chromium Price by Company 2010-2015 Table Chromium Gross Margin by Company 2010-2015 Table Price Comparison of Chromium by Regions 2010-2015 (USD/MT) Table Price of Different Chromium Product Types (USD/MT) Table Market Share of Different Chromium Price Level Table Gross Margin of Different Chromium Applications Table Marketing Channels Status of Chromium Table Traders or Distributors of Chromium with Contact Information Table Ex-work Price, Channel Price and End Buyer Price of Chromium (USD/MT) Table China Import, Export, and Trade of Chromium (K MT) Figure China Capacity (K MT), Production (K MT) and Growth Rate of Chromium 2015-2020 Figure China Capacity Utilization Rate of Chromium 2015-2020 Table China Chromium Production by Product Types 2010-2015 (K MT) Table China Chromium Production Market Share by Product Types 2010-2015 (%) Figure China Production Market Share of Chromium by Technology in 2020 Figure China Sales (K MT) and Growth Rate of Chromium 2015-2020 Figure China Sales Revenue (Million USD) and Growth Rate of Chromium 2015-2020 Figure China Sales of Chromium by Applications 2015-2020 (K MT) Table China Production Market Share of Chromium by Applications 2015-2020 (%) Figure China Production Market Share of Chromium by Applications in 2020 Table China Production, Import, Export and Consumption of Chromium 2015-2020 (K MT) Table China Production (K MT), Price (USD/MT), Cost (USD/MT), Revenue (Million USD) and Gross Margin of Chromium 2015-2020 Table Major Raw Materials Suppliers of Chromium with Contact Information Table Manufacturing Equipment Suppliers of Chromium with Contact Information Table Major Players of Chromium with Contact Information Table Key Consumers of Chromium with Contact Information Table Supply Chain Relationship Analysis of Chromium Table New Project SWOT Analysis of Chromium Table New Project Investment Feasibility Analysis of Chromium Table Part of Interviewees Record List


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